Variety, Broadway World & My Fizzy Pop's Praise for THE BESTEST OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY EVER


Michael Urie, Ann Harada, Colby Lewis & Constance Shulman


Out of Iceland

Featuring Lea Delaria and Jillian Crane. Walker Space, NYC

The New Peggy

Devin Illaw, Deb Radloff, Ann Harada, Rachel Hardin, & Daniel Marcus. Green Room 42, NYC.

Janice Gunter, Ghosthunter

Featuring Cathy Curtin. Whohaha TV

The Thing About Pipecleaner People

Featuring Constance Shulman. The Studios of Key West

The Anniversary

Featuring Anita Keal. Theatre 54, NYC


The Studios of Key West will present Drew’s new play UPSTATE as the inaugural play in their new staged reading series “First Look: New Plays by American Playwrights.”

NEW PEGGY Cast Studio Album

““THE NEW PEGGY is diverting in its over-the-top subversive style” where the immensely likeable Ann Harada is the title character of this likably odd musical.” –Rob Lester, Talkin’ Broadway

Drew's interview on Ledger Podcast

Drew discusses his play UPSTATE on Ledger: A Writing Podcast. Listen now!

THE CANNIBALS OF MCGOWER COUNTY receives industry reading starring Margo Martindale